Duquette Johnston

Hometown: Birmingham, AL
Manager: Reed Watson / Thousand Dances
Label: Single Lock Records
Publicity: Matt Hanks / Shorefire
UK Publicity: Rachel Silver / Silver PR
Radio: Paul Langton / Ravel Rouser
Legal: John Seay



His latest release The Social Animals features a core band of Steve Shelley (drums), Emil Amos (bass), David Swatzell (guitar) and Seth Brown (keys), and teams Johnston with acclaimed producer John Agnello (Waxahatchee, Hop Along). “John Agnello got what I was trying to do, and he took the sound to a completely outerwordly place,” Duquette says. “I'm really into mysticism and ancient symbolism and all these different things, and sonically, I hear things as I see them. For inspiration, I listened to a ton of jazz stuff like Miles Davis, John Coltrane and especially Kamasi Washington, and those guys talk about getting lost in their songs. And also there being space for things to happen. I love that.”




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